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Del 2021-01-03 08:25am Note taking of a ‘merican Stock markteing introdution. Tt's a short magazine. RFason for investing: 1. inner market is bigcer than TWN. 2. chhices is more than TWAN. 3. stock marking is hard to be manipulated by organizations. 4h. odd lots (ling2gu3) can be more easliy exuhanged. many agent for buying stocks takes no handling fees. 1. the internatl. incorp.e can be a obj. to invest. >. exthange unit is not 1,000 stock as in Taiwan, but 1 stock merely. 3. th performance of investing US FTF is better than twn TTF (passively investing) a method to investing 1. sub-brokerage ‘hok8-ui2-thok; fuhwei3tuol ) 2. foreign agents. how to save stocks (tsun5-koo2)°? 1. natl. or world. "TF 2. stable intl. corp., but the financial report srould be read periodically . , the 98&A 1. the loss from currency changing - usine foreign curr ncy to invest as possible as vou cen. 2. resources for infos. of US bBtocking: (1) Yahoo finance in PK (2) Money DJ (3% investing.com you can using antomatic ordering to help you. yuhyueltani's lifespan should >be checked. the in/decressing is not limited tos- a certzin degree. the corp. in TS is close tol our 1 fie. sub-brokeage's maninuating fee is higher. JONG -F ON e e hon-| US citizen don't nee d to pay capttal=income taxe Ty) wep! =| old, e60Gl comp. WTAON*DH Boot ™ nore vita 5 6,70) Comp, mon 1 about tech. comp 1 Ue? ' \ N the main indexes of Mis tstoczing: row ‘ones “ndustriql A ¥8aaqins Sareutartna "8 MAGNA :| tlech. e2/P 500,) 500 comp. tegas| conp/ 1 sub-hro-age - long-term foreien trade stock solding neration fee |s low. Zz isu-— foreien trading st ekine+ non=-long! term | "| more than) 183 jays )—is suitable. wiretransfer is fee-taking. foreign income if more then 1000800! ,| youl have to) bell tex agenty. the © dividend is|texed| in US| 30% , DS 1Ouater is tho usu. prejod to give dividend. FUSCAL YESR iterm 1 business item tArrsk factor itrm 6 selected financial datas man gements diisassion2end analysis of financanl cindition and res 1lts of peratinn . US for the bramds empny and Taiwan estocks for tte suplly chaine the dewlopingecomonies is can be investede QE, GDB, undeploymen¥ tate amd mpR npn-agricultural employ- eed populattiony,and CPI, and cusumer confidentce ratee hed