於 2022年11月23日 (三) 04:16 由 Tankianting(討論 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂
- 這是 Mastodon 等聯邦式社交網路的傳訊協定,構成 Fediverse。
- 類似 email 的傳輸協定。
- 傳輸使用 JSON。
- 要支援 Mastodon,需要使用 HTTP Signature。參見Message digest on http signatures check #4963
- 自己寫的基本教學文和踩坑心得:
在 Python 支援 ActivityPub + HTTP Signature 的程式碼(未整理與加註解)
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend as crypto_default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization as crypto_serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding from urllib.parse import urlparse import base64 import datetime import requests import json import hashlib target_id = "" recipient_url = target_id recipient_inbox = target_id + "/inbox" sender_url = "" sender_key = "" activity_id = "" # The following is to sign the HTTP request as defined in HTTP Signatures. private_key_text = open('./lianlok/private.pem', 'rb').read() # load from file private_key = crypto_serialization.load_pem_private_key( private_key_text, password=None, backend=crypto_default_backend() ) current_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') recipient_parsed = urlparse(recipient_inbox) recipient_host = recipient_parsed.netloc recipient_path = recipient_parsed.path # Now that the header is set up, we will construct the message follow_request_message = { "@context": "", "id": "", "type": "Follow", "actor": sender_url, "object": recipient_url } # generating digest request_message_json = json.dumps(follow_request_message) digest = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(request_message_json.__str__().encode('utf-8')).digest()) signature_text = b'(request-target): post %s\ndigest: SHA-256=%s\nhost: %s\ndate: %s' % (recipient_path.encode('utf-8'), digest, recipient_host.encode('utf-8'), current_date.encode('utf-8')) raw_signature = private_key.sign( signature_text, padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256() ) signature_header = 'keyId="%s",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="(request-target) digest host date",signature="%s"' % (sender_key, base64.b64encode(raw_signature).decode('utf-8')) headers = { 'Date': current_date, 'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json', 'Host': recipient_host, 'Digest': "SHA-256="+digest.decode('utf-8'), 'Signature': signature_header } r =, headers=headers, json=follow_request_message)