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c ir oe the copyrizht income ecalibility is high the controillsbility and the cnstraints : it “enends the publisher or the ppatform. the investment is very high. if you want to earn the money to a certain extens. you just have to bnmt on the secessary defree. the marketability: .: tte marketability is either mejp ma minor or competive. passivity: the scalibility is very big. Tf you want to make a passive income more automatic, you have to hire specific one +o help you. : the copyright income incl: ~ b oks, music, photos, the downoadable content - Print ondemand, online course , the app developing - ka-bing5, khong3-giap8-kuan5. the cash flow is depeneds on the idea that is marketable. the brainstrom is required. ‘your interests , pass ions, habts, and you have to add smething that is not existed inthe marktet. the feed backis required, but no beliving completely from your kindships. the selling imformation id required to make. the research on the amazon is required. the releasing tim , the Imeth of the c nte t is suitable for so- rt orlingee one? the searchable resuht is related tothe competed situation. the commends is also required to read. the price should be reasonable. the copyright is required to mke a padsdive income. you have to spends lots of time tofinish you work in the Ist sta- ges.the marketin= is rceruired, therefore you have to spends some t m to maintain your tncome inthe end stage. you have tomake a summmary and a thesis to ptatn- planning to make your books. keep writing » and you have to not togive up » or surrender. you have towrit it every day, even 10min/day. y u have to correect and reviseyour worke and thenyou can c nsult to youre known experts or professionits to correct your draug’t. t **¥*¥* *¥the example of hpnoree corder******** youhve-toe- Vou Must write a book. every omme 4S a coach gad speccher, and youmust write a boon you have to mke seven things to marketin your bookse # call the newsraper and televison station, and released thee intro on the the local mgaainese you have to work cntbhn usly, and the work is lifelong debstes of traditional publishing and sel #publishing. the desision of tte publisher is depends on the publisher while using traditonal publishinge and t e writer hve to rie a agent to the publishe discussion, etc.the traditoonal publishing , you only get the 15% to 8% h income to the copyrigh t fees. and eventhough youh-ve cntracts to publish your books, you have to hold the marketing , even the totally tasks of it probsbly.e if you sign on the contract, and the revenue is entered. the the sel¢ publishing is mkin you get the 35% to 70% of the income. time to fine a traditional publisher is too hard. and the money for the self publishing is relativity cheapere you have to consideer consulting a writingagent agentquery.com - find the list of the topic related books. the the the the to the the you the the the Wt, proposal of publishing yourrbooks: q ert mabl - how they should publish your book? summary of the topic reason of the market demands and the persuaion of the g@ok is required be proposed. the drouggst you have to let them see. "Published" by Chendler Bolt is useful to self publishing. newbie writer should join tte path of self publishing way. can hire a professional esitors to publish your boks. "UT pwo rk " and "Fiverr'" is ok to fine the editores. drsignin= of tk cover page is determned by yoursel #. Yindle publishéing of “\mazn is OK and using'"Kin dle Tirect Publishing ~ ebooks and paperbacks. the auto sel# publishing make the revernue higher _ porton the self dispimpline is hard for mast people. the books to change the world is depend on teaching the people to change there beh2avourse. the musiv copyright &s anotheeway to earn more revenueSe the 2 copyright of music: master rights (bo2-tua3 tu3-#ek- -chok4-koam5) and publishing rights (hong3-sang3-kuan5) its hard to make music to earn mon_ eyse the music artwork costs alot of mongy snd takes youal lot of moneye. yu have to registered in the perfororming rights organization to be a menber. eg. the association of the composers. the reavoorfing of a music is. from, ombininpublishing of y r musice y g of the musice mixing music trackecd records company vs indieu WS thé software and the app is anotter way to earn revenue. iw er , hoewver, it is not very easye the jiaimeng2 is another way, but you have to got a creative commercial magagement mode to makeothers join you. you can make another to to what you want and Bibe him some us— : ful res urces, to archive it. and the license fee is charged. the mijiing right as considered another method , btt not feasible in Taiwan. Ss HOW to marketing : usingSNS to post news ab-ut it, and using the invesegation of related f-ns pages. the publictest is anothes useful tools. the initial can have free pages to sell your products. the year cost / the devidend yield = the money tou should invest. - =eee- the-bew- bond is related to the rate determined by the ""D, cetral bank, etc. if the rate is low, the stock or PIF are proper. — RETTS is another good way for investing in real estate mrket. the invewtingway using sutomatic venters is related toadding a markinging plannin and the g est-objective-relateve investgat- — tion, the adversBisement and the marketing posting of a artivcle-e#f- or some object is another way. another wa y is the proxy seller (tai3Z-kbe 2tongi-te7--e5 mih8 kiann7? kau% pat8-ui7) tre airbnb is another way, but its not cnsider totally legal in simme cuntries. the lawterage od the debting and using it to invest the weal estate is hig probit an highly riskky. mMOME MANAGEMENT -) setting Objects just do it.