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fF) Cm COFCO CCC 0-6 -€ C6 CCT ae merger ne le eee structure of sentence word : lexical category : N vA P adv aux conj det.+ undetermined artivle and artivle. subcategoriazezation: the subcategory of Pot: the B¥F is simliat to it. phrase: the bird and #ke-b4-- bird are both MP, wp =) det NP -) W NP -) Det WN “S expression VP -) V3vV NP; V NP WP PP -) P NP NP -) det N ¥P =) deteminder ¥ complement _ +semetasies sEvantTTcs (cH 5) tthe nature of semantics is what? thetee are still not under consciounous. 1. sementics is a entity; 2. sementics &s a useage of languge. the @. have t tree thropies. reference: the word or sentence have its own reference. sementics -) connotationand denotation. connotation -) lian5-siunn?: gregon -) evil, disgusting, magical. referent: a dragon is a western imagined creatures. some word have no references: eg. the king of Republic of China now. coreference: the States and the united states. extension and intenst@on: #uern- gua7-iand kap lue?-ham}.. tse si? lo5-chip8-hak8& s the reference ha ve some claws. for example: venus and moringng stars. zomposition: semantic unit can be categorised and tagged, for example: the adjcctivebbg can be tagged as "Magnitude is llarge",etc. what is a sementic feature? how to define it° some of ttem are ambigious. and the concept are sametims subjectiveeand smpound words are not usuitable forit. fuzzy theory: mental image: t w sementics is: based ion the image of ttee protype of tie words. eg. fish -) shakk, etc. the fuzzy theory can be explained to the concept of subjective. synonym, antonym', polysemy( tse7-gi5-s:5) abd homnym(kang5-im-su5) and proper noune there are few pairs of synonym ttat is equalw wholly. relative antonym is not totally different. polysemy: there are many words are polysemy. hetronym: pavag-- kau-phua3Z-im e5 subd. propememes can be dre'ved to have moremmanings. eg. google it. The Syntox tyeR and Cemanyil role . Mnefephoy aud idiom The Guth of & sentence * syute Hl ile x. dopant ical! pad ts