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以下文字是以光學字元辨識 (OCR) 將File:Ch3構詞學.pdf轉出來的,可能有錯誤。


words vs lexicon
the pnosittive words tpo use and read is merely 8,°00.

the word structures ts-call koo4-su5-hak8

simple word and comple x word

mor vhemes su5-soo4

friend vs friendship;

dune vs seanduine

the compound word is chinese is plenty.

free morphemes tsu7-iu5 su5-soo3 : book, duiune, bean, frar.

bound morphemes : pre-3 s#8 sO-3; -a2, &c.

affixes: prefix; suffix; infix; icirecumfixs

infix: X-a2-V

allomorph tong5-mi7? su5-soo03

com- = con- , etc.

inflectional affixes vs derivation al affixes

the former: grammitical function; the later: have its sementivs

content words and functional words

the former are open; the later are closed.

the neologisim is in 8+ medhods. |

compounding; the stress is firrenv-ent fromits similar compoundphrase.

eg. the "hite Youse. the cmp ound word is sometimes. not confind to its

elements. : : oa

Chinese: SV/kbu3- - (zhu3weif, shudbu3,-- shuhbin1, shukbu3)
yo. —- TS ge ty

YX ping4l@e’4 5 pianzheng adj + n or advt+ v¥

ancronym: CTDAW, NATO,etc.

abbr. : ad, phone, mc, etc.

blending: clipping wordgua2-lang5 -) guan2.

freetie, etc.

eponym : the meaning cange @f a wprd.

bakk formation: editor -) edit. chuige -) chuig
reduplicatiom -) ang5-ang5; tua7-tua7; thap8-ji7-sud.
onometopotia: cat : mewoing; barking; etc.

the three kinds of language:
synthetic, agglutinating, islating